GBA Releases 2024 Inbound Investment Survey

International Companies’ Employment Expectations Remain Positive

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Global Business Alliance (GBA) released the findings of its 2024 Inbound Investment Survey today. This survey offers insights from senior executives at international companies operating in the U.S., offering policymakers a unique perspective on how to improve America’s economic competitiveness.

This survey indicates that while international companies are bullish about investing in the U.S., there are some warning signs emerging.

When asked to rate the impact that certain economic and policy factors would have on their U.S. operations over the next year, GBA members identified that the proposed corporate tax rate of 28 percent and politicized cross-border investment reviews are the top concerns.

These major employers remain positive regarding employment over the next six months, with 60 percent expecting it to “stay the same” and 29 percent thinking it will “increase.”

Over half of respondents agree that the United States needs more Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with friends and allies to encourage future investment in the U.S.

“The Biden-Harris administration has stated that trade is vital to preserving America’s prosperity and competitiveness,” said Nancy McLernon, GBA’s President and CEO. “The U.S. must begin to secure more Free Trade Agreements with our like-minded global partners. This survey shows that international companies believe that strengthening those connections will encourage further international investment into the U.S. and demonstrate to the world that America is open for business.”

For more information on the GBA’s Inbound Investment Survey and its findings, please visit