
Looking for more information about foreign direct investment, international companies and U.S. competitiveness? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here you can find press releases, letters to policymakers, factsheets and insights on specific topics, as well as company announcements and industry perspectives.

Discover How GBA Members Create Sustainable Solutions.

GBA members are utilizing their expertise, resources dedicated employees to fight the climate crisis by creating sustainable solutions…

Sumitomo Begins $129 Million Upgrades to Tonawanda Tire Facility, Adding 50 New Jobs

The $129 million investment will go towards new equipment, a 55,000 square foot facility expansion and increased tire-production capacities. The […]


Nestlé Invests $43M in Wisconsin Factory Expansion, Adding 60 New Jobs

The company said it will add two production lines in order to increase capacity to meet growing demand for its […]


Toyota Investing $461 Million Into Its Georgetown, Kentucky, Factory, Creating 1,400 New Jobs

Toyota’s investment will expand the factory’s engine manufacturing operations, boost its capacity to produce new products and allow for future […]


Shell to Begin Construction on a New Renewable Natural Gas Facility in Southern Idaho

Shell Oil will begin construction on a renewable natural gas facility that will help reduce CO2 emissions and boost the […]


Dassault Falcon Jet Announces $115 Million Aviation Maintenace Facility Endeavor, Creating 400 New Jobs

Dassault Falcon Jet has announced plans for a $115 million endeavor to construct a new aviation maintenance facility in Melbourne, […]


Siemens Invests $54 Million in Electrical Infrastructure Facilities, Creating 300 New Jobs

Of the investment, $40 million will go to replace an old electric vehicle charging equipment and electrical infrastructure manufacturing plant […]