States Leading America’s FDI Manufacturing Workforce

From 2017 to 2022, international companies supported 22 percent of new U.S. manufacturing jobs. Global connections are key to America’s competitiveness in this sector, helping to diversify America’s economy and make it more resilient to downturns. Throughout the pandemic, American employers took extraordinary steps to safeguard their workers and customers and continue to spur America’s economic recovery. Nationwide, 34.2 percent of FDI-supported jobs are in the manufacturing sector, with 23 states exceeding this average.  

Leading America’s foreign direct investment (FDI) manufacturing workforce are FIVE states: 

1. Michigan boasts the highest amount of manufacturing jobs as a percentage of total FDI jobs at 63.6 percent. 

2. Kentucky ranks second in the nation, with  62.9 percent of all FDI jobs created falling in the manufacturing sector.

3. Alabama’s  FDI manufacturing employment makes up 57.1 percent of all jobs created by international companies in the state.  

4. Wisconsin holds the fourth largest FDI manufacturing employment, with 55.8 percent of all the state’s FDI jobs being in the manufacturing sector.  

5. Indiana trails closely behind with the fifth-highest amount of manufacturing jobs as a percentage of total FDI jobs at 54.9 percent.