Top Five States with the Fastest FDI Job Growth

When international companies invest in America, they cast a vote of confidence in our workforce and economy. Foreign direct investment (FDI) strengthens the U.S. economy and makes it more resilient by fueling innovation, bolstering America’s manufacturing sector, exporting American-made goods and creating millions of high-quality, good-paying jobs. To learn more about how international companies are contributing to the U.S. economy and the communities in which they operate, visit

Across America, international companies are a cornerstone for strengthening local communities and revitalizing the U.S. economy. International companies provide  8.4 million high-quality jobs, increasing employment rates and average wages across the country. In fact, from 2017 to 2022, America’s FDI employment rose  9 percent, while the country’s overall private-sector employment rose only 5%. Five states, in particular, have excelled in attracting international investment for new jobs here in America. The top five states with the fastest FDI job growth from 2017 to 2022 are: 

#1. Wyoming 

Wyoming comes in first with a 56.2 percent FDI employment growth rate. Job growth in Wyoming is more than triple the national rate. 

#2. Vermont 

Ranking second is Vermont, with its FDI employment rate increasing by 37.7 percent.  

#3. Delaware 

Delaware ranks third for the country’s fastest-growing FDI employment rate, with a 37.6 percent increase over this five-year span

#4. Rhode Island 

Rhode Island comes in fourth place with a 29.9 percent FDI employment growth rate.  

#5. Mississippi 

Mississippi ranks fifth, with a 26.1 percent growth rate in FDI employment.