
Looking for more information about foreign direct investment, international companies and U.S. competitiveness? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here you can find press releases, letters to policymakers, factsheets and insights on specific topics, as well as company announcements and industry perspectives.

Discover How GBA Members Create Sustainable Solutions.

GBA members are utilizing their expertise, resources dedicated employees to fight the climate crisis by creating sustainable solutions…

How to Engage with GBA

The Global Business Alliance (GBA) has two standing committees largely divided by executive function. Within each, working groups help formulate positions and tactics on specific issues or advocacy campaigns as they arise.


Explaining UTPR and the Pillar II Framework

The OECD Pillar II proposal, also known as the Global Minimum Tax, is part of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on […]


GBA Statement on the Defending American Jobs and Investment Act

Nancy McLernon, president and CEO of the Global Business Alliance, today issued the following statement in response to the introduction […]


Siemens Creating New Apprenticeship, Training and Hiring Programs to Build an Electric Vehicle Workforce, Creating Hundreds of Jobs

Siemens is responding to the need for new manufacturing, R&D, and engineering roles to fill skilled positions in the electric […]