
Looking for more information about foreign direct investment, international companies and U.S. competitiveness? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here you can find press releases, letters to policymakers, factsheets and insights on specific topics, as well as company announcements and industry perspectives.

Discover How GBA Members Create Sustainable Solutions.

GBA members are utilizing their expertise, resources dedicated employees to fight the climate crisis by creating sustainable solutions…

Toyota’s Pledge to Increase Workforce Training Opportunities

Toyota has committed, through the Pledge to America’s Workers, to provide 200,000 workforce training opportunities over the next five years […]


Promoting Fair State Tax Policies

GBA’s advocacy efforts ensure that international companies operating in the United States have access to fair tax policies that promote […]


Buy American: Uncovering the Unintended Consequences of Well-intentioned Policies

In the pursuit of economic patriotism, state-level “Buy American” procurement policies have gained traction as a means of promoting domestic […]


GBA Supports a Robust CFIUS Process for a Secure and Thriving US Economy

In an age of globalization and rapid technological advances, maintaining U.S. national security while fostering international collaboration is a delicate […]


Restore the EBITDA Standard

The Global Business Alliance advocates to maintain the OECD international standard allowing for depreciation and amortization to be maintained as […]


Preserving the Ability for American Innovation (Restoring Sec. 174)

International companies operating in the United States spend over $71 billion on U.S. R&D activities and support 245,300 American R&D […]